Our oyster farm, Water is Life Oysters, is located in Apalachicola, FL, “The Oyster Capitol of the World.” Once, this small but mighty bay provided 90% of all of Florida’s and 10% of the nation’s consumed oysters! But today this bay, like many of the worlds bays, is suffering from a devastating decline in wild oyster beds. Environmental degradation and human mismanagement has led to the decimation of this keystone species who are vital to the health and well-being of bodies of water and so many living creatures, including humans. The bay is currently closed to wild harvesting, and local oysters are hard to find.
Farming oysters, a simple process of growing oysters in the water column, means that the community can once again enjoy delicious, protein and zinc packed oysters while simultaneously protecting the bay and letting the reefs recover. Every farmed oyster consumed in a wild oyster left safe on the natural reef to filter water, provide necessary habitat for hundreds of aquatic species, protect against storms and climate chaos. Our oyster farm is the only BIPOC, queer owned farm in Apalachicola, working to provide local, delicious seafood to the community and model what sustainable and equitable shellfish farming looks like. We are an invitation to those who want to produce food for families in right relationship with the water ways which make life possible. We especially want to encourage and support BIPOC and queer and trans farmers who are interested in the rich BIPOC history of shellfish cultivation in the Americas.
Across the Gulf, another farm is preparing for a delicious near future! Our sister farm, Cooperativa KPAP, is an integrated family farm located in El Faisán, a small village inside the Reserva de la Biosfera Pantanos de Centla of Tabasco, Mexico.